Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Win a five dollar Amazon gift card

introducing the five dollar amazon gift card contest

To enter you need to follow my blog at there is no dot after the third w.

click on the follow button to follow my blog and click on any of the adds in my site.

next leave a comment putting your name amd email and on sep 24 I will announce the winner, you can email me at for an extra entry plus you have to follow me and click on a google add and one lucky winner will bbe emailed an unused code.


  1. Following your blog, came over from Swagbucks. Cool way to attract followers! :)

    theworkingdiva (at) yahoo (dot) com

  2. also found you on swagbucks fan page...cute blog, nice stuff.

    my email is jwillowb (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. oops...just saw that this blog says sept 24...the thing you put on swagbucks had an earlier date I thought...oh well...I was just curious :)
